Parent Panel: Breast MilK Storage By LAnsinoh
Breast milk is the best possible food to help your baby develop and grow. It contains antibodies, live cells, and other substances to help protect your baby from infection and illness.
If you choose to express your breast milk, it’s important to store your breast milk safely to keep your baby safe and ensure they’re getting all the nutrients they need.
Storing Expressed Breast Milk
Breast milk is suitable for storing due to its antibacterial properties, which help it to stay fresh and discourage the growth of bacteria. When you’re expressing breast milk, it’s particularly important to store it in the right type of container to avoid contamination – Breast Milk Storage Bags or Bottles are designed specifically for this – just remember they shouldn’t be filled to the top, always leave at least 2.5cm of space to allow the milk to expand as it freezes. It’s also important to mark the container with a date so you know how old it is and when to use it by.
Storing Expressed Breast Milk
Storing Breast Milk In The Fridge
When you’re expressing milk to use at a later date, it’s important to refrigerate or cool it immediately to ensure it has the longest shelf life possible. The NHS states that when stored correctly, expressed milk will last In the fridge for up to 8 days at 4C or lower.
It is best to avoid storing the milk in the refrigerator door due to temperature control. Instead, it’s best to store it in the coldest part of the refrigerator, which is at the back of the shelf that is just above the vegetable compartment.
How To Store Breast Milk In The Freezer
If you’re freezing your breast milk, you should always place it in the freezer straight after it has been expressed. It’s recommended to keep frozen breast milk in the middle of the freezer where the temperature is most consistent so it won’t partially thaw. The NHS states that breastmilk can last for 2 weeks in the ice compartment of a fridge, or up to 6 months in a freezer at -18C or lower.
How TO Defrost Breast Milk
If your milk is frozen, you can easily defrost it in the fridge – just remember to use it within 24 hours after defrosting. Alternatively, thaw and heat breast milk under warm, running water, or in a bowl with warm or hot water.
To preserve the nutrients in your milk, it’s important to not heat your breast milk in a pan on the cooker. It’s also recommended to never heat your expressed milk in the microwave as it won’t heat the liquid evenly which could cause hot spots and hurt your baby.
Once the breast milk is defrosted, use straightaway. Once your baby has drunk from the bottle of breast milk, it should be used within 1 hour, and anything left should be thrown away. Do not refreeze milk that has been defrosted.
About Lansinoh
For nearly 40 years, new mothers have trusted Lansinoh to support and care for them while they enter the messy magic of motherhood. Born from one mother’s realisation that as they tirelessly care for their babies, parents often go without the support they need and deserve. That’s why Lansinoh proudly stands with mothers all over the world. The brand’s journey started (and continues) with the multi-award winning, healthcare professional recommended HPA Lanolin Nipple Cream (affectionately known as the purple tube!). Today, it offers a comprehensive collection of solutions that help new parents navigate pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and pumping.